Tuesday, February 2, 2016

SerangKim - Oldies but Goodies - 12 - Lugwig Van Beethoven


Announced : 2012 July
Released : 2014 July


This is my first Serang figure and the packaging like other custom or artist, typical shoe box design with foam in it to accommodate the figure. The surface of the box has Serang's trademark ‘浪’ means wave, a printed image of figure and Serang's signed with date wishes.


I would say it's exactly what we see on his blog of those prototypes. Serang's sculpting is different from others', his sculpting is more like an oil painted portrait rather realistic. Can we tell that ths is Beethoven? Are you kidding? Lol. There are options of 2 head sculpts for either Composer or Maestro version; I bought both the head sculpts as I just can't pass one another. The serious head sculpt definitely depict Beethoven well, stern and serious; but the best part would be the Maestro head sculpt where Beethoven closes his eye conducting! When I was taking pictures I could actually hear Beethoven's music while posing him conducting, just amazing how artist's work could influence us.
Besides that, there are 2 sculpted palms: the right palm is made to hold baton and quill, left palm is very expressive as if it's grabbing but not entirely.
Shoes are sculpted too.


Very different paint job from any other figures that I owned, hard to explain but the closes way to describe would be - it is like an oil painting, and the painting became alive. Perfect paint job on head sculpts, shoe and palms.


As I purchased a fullset so it comes with body that I guessed it's either HT narrow shoulder or those knock off.


Comes with a quill, baton, 2 hearing trumpets and composer's sheets and book. Very well made, the hearing trumpets could actually fit onto the head sculpt without having to hold it.


Comes with several layers of clothing and Serang also put in a pouch in order to bulge Beethoven abdominal part. Overall the clothing are well tailored and fits the figure seamlessly.

Fun Factor

As mentioned above, this figure is as if it came alive and pop out from an oil painting; I can't stop reposing it for photography.


Erm.....holy grail?! yes he is definitely on my top 10 list!

Thank you Serang Kim for making such amazing piece; one word - ART! This piece is as if the figure came to life out from a painting......

15 limited production

Packaging - 6

Sculpting - 10
Paint - 10
Articulation - 9
Accessories - 10
Outfit - 10
Fun Factor - 10
Value - 10

Overall - 9.4/10

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